Monday, August 18, 2008

Prophet Buddy Wrap Party!

Last Saturday, Danner and Bauza threw a wild Prophet Buddy wrap party! Everyone who attended the party was required to get their picture taken with the buddies. Gourmet Corndogs and deep fried sweets were provided by master chef, Chris Staples, while Eric Bauza barbequed burgers and hotdogs. There were two projectors playing nonstop Prophet Buddy episodes and random obscure cartoons the entire night! The shindig started at 5pm and went into 4am. Afterwards a few of us went to the beach. Thanks everyone who came, and Danner and Bauza for throwing it, I love you guys!


Geek Booteek said...

Looks like good times dude!!

Ryan Green said...

Yay! Thanks for posting those pics. Now get back to animating, dammit!

Tony Mora said...

How'd you end up at the beach?

Steve sculpts critters said...

You like mice:
Have you seen 'Pompeii mice' on YouTube?
Truly unbelievable!

Chris Battle said...

Awesome! It's just like Roger Rabbit, but with beer bongs :D

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of drunks... and pretty girls! Congrats on two seasons, maybe I should catch up on the episodes. I have only seen the first three. Lame me.

Casey, Ryan! Howdy!

Christian Mejia

หวยเด็ดหวยดัง said...

I will be looking forward to your next post. Thank you